Aviata Cloud Solo Flight Challenge
Chapter 2: Prevent Remote Code Execution with Private Endpoints
Workshop Requirements
In order to fully participate in the workshop, you will need the following resources:
AWS Accounts
Two AWS Accounts - one for attack and one for detect (Yes, TWO separate accounts are needed.)
- Need AWS accounts? Create a free tier account with root access at https://aws.amazon.com/free/
Local Device
- Make sure you are using a modern, up-to-date browser.
- Ensure you have access to a Bash terminal. This will be automatically available for Linux and Mac workstations. For Windows, two options are Windows Subsystem for Linux or Git for Windows.
- Install the Git CLI if not already available (it comes bundled with Git for Windows).
- Install the Terraform Command-Line Interface (CLI).
- Install the AWS CLI.
- Install NodeJS v18 or later and NPM. https://nodejs.org/en/download/ for detailed instructions.
Join us in Discord
Join us in Discord in the #aviata-cloud-workshop-series-2024 channel.